Au Revoir

I must bid you adieu.

It’s tough but this I must do.

I thought it would’ve been different,

But I should’ve knew

For the devil can be dressed… in sheep’s clothing.

You are unworthy of my touch; of my kiss.

Which you must live without,

And miss.

You must soak in sadness,

because of what you put me through,

I promise I could’ve handled the truth.

You clothed me with your love and promises that were fainted.

For your love was old,

And tainted.

I know it wasn’t you,

It was me,

For me & you were,

Never meant to be.

You were such a smooth criminal.

For your lies,

We’re so carefully disguised.

Now I must cut off all ties.

You denied yourself a piece of heaven,

For I was an angel who stuck by your side,

twenty- four seven.

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