What to Remember When Going Through A Rough Patch

1. Things will get better. I want to begin with a quote, that states, ”this too shall pass. You will be blessed. You will be happy.

2. You are not alone. I promise there is someone who you can lean on. I also want to share with you all a powerful scripture, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” ( Psalm 46:1). It is okay to feel weak, God is your strength.

3. You will only become a stronger person. Do you remember the saying, ” If I survived this, I can survive anything”?

4. You can use your experience to help others. You can write a book about what you have

gone through or start a business to help others. Use your platform or your capabilities to guide others through life. Turn your rough patch into a success story!!

5. You will grow tremendously from your rough patch. You will learn that you are stronger then you think. You will survive this!

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