Part II: Reflection

Reflection- the act of being honest with yourself.

Transparency- I usually fear loneliness, but for the first time, I find comfort in alone time.

I sit still for a while and uncover my thoughts. Initially, I evoke rage. Rage for staying in relationships when I know I should’ve moved on — anger for allowing others to make me feel inferior. And resentment for believing I was not enough, when, in fact, I am powerful beyond my imagination. I often reflect and feel bad for myself. But this time, I chose to look at the good. On Thursday, I will cross the stage, and I can’t fathom that idea. Two years ago, I didn’t think this was possible. To be transparent, “my life has not been a crystal staircase; it has tacks in it.” Thus, this week is symbolic. Often, reflection leaves me weak. But this time, I feel robust. And so to my viewers, in reflection, I hope you will find positivity. I hope you will begin to fall deeply in love with yourself.

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