Getting to Know Rai

Lol, I am currently laughing because the first thing I would describe myself as is SILLY. Lol, every day I get some type of object and do karaoke. If I’m lucky my friends might join in but if not I will just do it by myself. Lol guys when I tell you I love karaoke, I really do. So if you are seeking to make me happy join me in karaoke. So I must tell you guys that I am corny, and I’m okay with it. I spend a lot of time looking at old videos if I want a laugh. So yes I am a funny girl (I think ) . Okay, so I am not sure of who I am exactly. I am still defining myself. But I do know that I love ice cream( especially rocky road and birthday cake). I do know that I seek to inspire, I love kids (they make my heart go round and round). I do know that sometimes I find myself reflecting a lot and can be hard on myself. And I do know that this work here makes me purposeful. I also recently found out that I do not like black bean burgers( they are too spicy for me).

You all are probably going to judge me, but I am not a fan of spicy foods. In addition to this, I use to communicate my feelings on social media. I realized that negative feelings were not making me feel better. So now I just turn the negative energy into positive energy. Lol, you were probably expecting me to talk about all of my accomplishments, what school I go to and what I want to be. But lol honestly I’m not typical and I don’t like rules or norms so stay tuned. I hope that you all will find my future post inspirational.

Thank you guys so much for reading my blog post. I am truly thankful for you all!

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