My List of Coping Mechanisms

  1. I force myself to become productive outside of school. For example, I dive into things I love to do. I love to read so I started a book club. I love to host events, so I planned an event entitled ” Love and Beauty”.
  2. I write poetry, songs, and thoughts. Writing is one of my favorite coping mechanicism because it allows me to express myself freely.
  3. I take myself out on dates.Going on dates allows you alone time. I believe alone time is necessary and empowering.
  4. One of the most important coping mechanisms is allowing yourself to feel. Which just means allowing your emotions to run freely. It is acceptable to cry or yell. Do not keep your emotions bottled in.
  5. Talk to a friend or loved one.
  6. Go to counseling. Going to counseling does not mean there’s anything wrong with you. It just means you are human. I’ve gone to counseling and found it effective. It’s great to hear from someone who does not know you. In addition to this, they are trained to understand what you are going through.
  7. Also, going to an inspirational place such as a church, can be proven to be a helpful coping mechanism. At church, you will be surrounded by peers who will embrace you in love. In addition to this, the message that is delivered by the pastor is always uplifting.
  8. Lastly, praying is a mechanism that I find peaceful. Praying is an individual or can be a group activity that enables you to vent and release negative energy.

I hope you guys will find my list beneficial. Thank you guys for reading!

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